Elegent Empowerment Through the Electro-Magnetic Field Balancing Technique
(This article was published in the October 2012 issue of Life Positive)
(This article was published in the October 2012 issue of Life Positive)
The Electro Magnetic Balancing Technique, popularly known as EMF is a most elegant empowerment of a human being. This is the time of unprecedented human evolution. Our energetic anatomy has evolved much beyond the basic 7 chakra system to take in the increasing light quotient. We are carrying more energy than ever before. The electro magnetic field of the earth is transforming and the human electro magnetic system is also aligning with it. After all, we are electro-magnetic in nature. The EMF Balancing Technique is a loving and evolutionary way of rewiring our energetic system.
We are a part of the Cosmic Lattice (Universal Energy Source) simply by virtue of our existence. Our individual energy field or UCL ( Universal Calibration Lattice) is our personal connection to the Cosmic Lattice.
We can always strengthen our connection to the Cosmic Lattice by energy work and/or intent, in much the same way we strengthen the muscles of our physical body with regular exercise.The energetic fibres of our individual energy field (UCL) are composed of conscious elements of light. They respond to our intention.
The EMF Balancing Technique is an amazing light technology intuited & developed by Peggy Phoenix Dubro. She also channelled the information from Ahnya, a female form of light & energy. From her earliest years, Peggy Phoenix Dubro had a deep desire to "remember God". As a young woman she had a profound series of experiences resulting in the spontaneous opening of all her chakras. This opening produced an awareness of unconditional love, and the realization of the connectedness of all things in the universe.
Her desire to know even more, and to live daily life in the consciousness of this state, led to a fifteen-year journey that resulted in another profound opening, this time an inimitable experience giving rise to the discovery of the Universal Calibration Lattice (UCL). At first, Peggy's focus was on her own personal spiritual evolution. In working directly with the electromagnetic nature of the UCL, she realized the possibility existed to develop a way of assisting others in their evolutionary The technique is now practiced and taught in 70 countries around the world, where people in diverse cultures and religions resonate with the original intent of the EMF work - to know and live ones life as fully as possible in an awareness of the energy of love, the connectedness of all things, and the unique and sacred nature of each human.
"The EMF Balancing Technique® is a new energy system designed to accelerate the integration of Spirit and Biology, so that you can increase your health and co-create the healing miracles you need. The trainings are an initiation into a new awareness of your own electromagnetic nature. You receive information about your energy anatomy that will permanently establish a powerful connection to the Cosmic Lattice (Universal Energy Source), and you will be able to use this new energy immediately." --LEE CARROLL channel/author of Kryon
The movements are graceful and simple to perform. The person receiving the session may give intent for almost anything – from healing to Self-knowledge to simple stress reduction to the reconnection of their DNA. As the session progresses, a rewiring of the individual’s energy field occurs, and a new order is created within the field, producing a stronger structure to receive energy from the Unlimited Source (the Cosmic Lattice). After the connections have been made, we often see a dramatic increase in the co-creating process of life. The determining factor is soul’s growth. The process of balancing the electromagnetic field can lead to spontaneous release, even without insight, in a single heartbeat. With this strong foundation, we raise our own vibrational level, which in turn raises the Earth’s vibrational level. This is how we can personally achieve what many think of as Ascension.
Each EMF session calibrates and strengthens the entire UCL which stretches, releases and reorganizes itself into the next highest pattern of balance, thus opening as many circuits as possible to the Cosmic Lattice and larger aspects of Self. The calibration process occurs for everyone, whether or not one is conscious of it. The EMF Phases is the perfect meeting place of spirit and biology. Becoming aware of our personal UCL (Universal Calibration Lattice) is an evolutionary leap of consciousness, as we work with the mechanics of how emotional charge can be neutralized, how our dreams and projects can be planted and activated as seeds of light in the UCL. In Phase II we clear the energetic charges of past pain & trauma that we carry in our fibres without a need to go into them or for catharsis to happen. As one moves from one Phase to the next, we trigger a peace and love filled evolutionary journey of aligning our light body with universal truth.
The beauty of the EMF Balancing Technique is enabling us to live from our core energy. The core of our being holds unlimited potential. The stronger the flow of energy within the core, the greater the access to the wisdom/knowledge within. Living from the core is holding greater electrical charge .
There are thirteen phases in the complete system of the EMF Balancing Technique, each phase containing a session with a distinct form and focus. In the first four phases, the practitioner completes a unique series of graceful tai chi like movements while the client lies fully clothed on a massage table. Most of the movements involve the passing of the practitioner's hands through the portions of the Universal Calibration Lattice of the client that completely surround the body to a distance of 2 feet all around. During some parts of the session the practitioner will gently place their hands on the body to facilitate the flow of energy.
The focus of Phases V-VIII is the Practice of Mastery in everyday life. These phases strengthen the energetic patterns of mastery and lead to a fuller expression of the attributes of mastery you already carry within you.
In Phases IX-XII, one gains a deeper understanding of one's Core Energy as the ultimate expression of oneself, your “Infinite I”.
Each session results in a strengthening of the UCL, allowing it to permanently carry a greater electrical charge. While the procedure for each session is the same for every client, the calibration (or strengthening) is unique to each person receiving the session. The calibration is determined by their inner wisdom, an expression of their personal electromagnetic configuration.
There are many reasons people come for an EMF Balancing Technique session, from a desire to relax, a desire to "heal", a desire to understand Self. Each session provides a powerful realignment within the energy anatomy which strengthens the Universal Calibration Lattice. This is an important factor to being in partnership with the unified energy field or the Cosmos. It is a Balancing Technique, and healing may happen as a result of it.
A major focus of the EMF Balancing work is the posture of balance in everyday life. This golden posture of balance is challenged repeatedly as we, our Earth, and the Universe continue to calibrate to the new structures of energetic reality that are in development. As you hold this posture, and gain the higher vibrations associated with it, you will find that conditions that are out of balance may simply fall away. Then you have what many people call healing. As you hold your individual sacred balance, you also contribute great peace and stability to the collective whole. This balance, then, is a key to the expression of grace.
A unique tool to gain our Mastery, and as we do so, we enable others to gain their Mastery. We enable all of us to live our fullest potential, and create heaven on earth.
The Sessions
There is a beautiful progression of the sessions as one moves from Phase I to Phase XII
Phase I - Wisdom and Emotions
This session releases stress and establishes a new pattern of freedom and well-being. Experience the energetic balance between head and heart.
Phase II - Self Direction and Self Support
This session gracefully releases the energy restraints of what we call the past, and promotes awareness of Self direction and Self support.
Phase III - Radiate Core Energy
The radiating of core energy encourages the increased flow of spiritual intelligence into your daily life. Experience new understandings and insights into your soul's unique expression.
Phase IV - Energetic Accomplishment
In this balancing, a connection and communication with future Self is established through the Prism of Personal Potential, channeling future potential energy into the co-creation of present reality.
Phase V - Template of Infinite Love
The Phase V template encompasses an area that includes the Heart Center, High Heart Center, the throat, all the small energy vortices around the mouth, and the center on the tip of the nose.
The Phase V template encompasses an area that includes the Heart Center, High Heart Center, the throat, all the small energy vortices around the mouth, and the center on the tip of the nose.
Phase VI - Templates of Infinite Compassion
There are two separate templates in Phase VI, one for each hand. The area that each template encompasses includes the energy center in the middle of the hand and all the small energy vortices throughout the fingers.
There are two separate templates in Phase VI, one for each hand. The area that each template encompasses includes the energy center in the middle of the hand and all the small energy vortices throughout the fingers.
Phase VII - Templates of Infinite Presence
There are two separate templates in Phase VII, one for each foot. The area that each template encompasses includes the major energy center on the top and bottom of the foot, and all the small energy vortices on the soles of the feet and around the toes.
There are two separate templates in Phase VII, one for each foot. The area that each template encompasses includes the major energy center on the top and bottom of the foot, and all the small energy vortices on the soles of the feet and around the toes.
Phase VIII - Template of Infinite Wisdom
The Phase VIII Template encompasses all the points of light contained within the brain, and all of the energy vortices associated with the Crown Center. The energy and color of all the templates in Phases V-VIII is platinum, signifying a catalytic element that contributes to the accelerated resonance of the Crown Center.
The Phase VIII Template encompasses all the points of light contained within the brain, and all of the energy vortices associated with the Crown Center. The energy and color of all the templates in Phases V-VIII is platinum, signifying a catalytic element that contributes to the accelerated resonance of the Crown Center.
Freedom! In The Energy of Love
In Phases IX-XII, one further develops the ability to use the Third Lattice to manifest the energy of freedom within your being and your life. The dynamics of fission and fusion are used repeatedly to create a unique and powerful energy of evolution.
In Phases IX-XII, one further develops the ability to use the Third Lattice to manifest the energy of freedom within your being and your life. The dynamics of fission and fusion are used repeatedly to create a unique and powerful energy of evolution.
Phase IX
The Universal Human
You will focus on manifesting and managing your energy through the Third Lattice. What are you ready to achieve now?
The Universal Human
You will focus on manifesting and managing your energy through the Third Lattice. What are you ready to achieve now?
Phase X
The Universal Parent
Fuse the energies of your Infinite I and become your own universal parent. This is a profound gift of wholeness/holiness for all generations.
The Universal Parent
Fuse the energies of your Infinite I and become your own universal parent. This is a profound gift of wholeness/holiness for all generations.
Phase XI
The Universal Partner
Remember the guidance to “Love one another as you love yourselves.” The energy of pure union generated within your Core (Infinite I) and calibrated through your Lattice (Individual I) produces the consciousness of newly found self love.
The Universal Partner
Remember the guidance to “Love one another as you love yourselves.” The energy of pure union generated within your Core (Infinite I) and calibrated through your Lattice (Individual I) produces the consciousness of newly found self love.
Phase XII
The Emerging Evolutionary
The New Human living within the energetic transformation of the New Earth! With this profound new expression of self, you will know you have transformed, and you will be equipped with new tools to manage your evolution.
The Emerging Evolutionary
The New Human living within the energetic transformation of the New Earth! With this profound new expression of self, you will know you have transformed, and you will be equipped with new tools to manage your evolution.
Here is what Sathyajith Divakaran, a Reiki Grandmaster has to say about the 12 Phases he received from me : 'EMF – So un-seemingly from the abbreviation, which gave me a sense of some technology and gadget imagery when I first heard of it, was a deeply profound silent journey into my existence on planes beyond the physical. Experiencing the benefaction of the center above and grounding of the center below, the various mastery cards that opened up so much, the silent energy of the facilitator as they worked on your meridians…. all in all truly transformational.
Much of what I have worded above may seem esoteric. Believe me they were to me too, until the experience itself.
I continue to connect to my core energy system regularly and especially when I feel the need to centre myself in the now
Amazing stuff !!!'
Great Article Sukhvinder. How can I get some sessions done? :-)
ReplyDeleteLove and Light,
Nadja!!! My dearest EMF teacher!! Come to India soon.