The Cycle of the Divine Feminine
(Article published in Life Positive - October 2012 Issue)
The Mayan Calendar predicts the end of a great cycle in December 2012. And with that, comes the end of the cycle of Patriarchy. Every 13,000 years, Earth enters into a new cycle. Our planet has now entered the Cycle of the Divine Feminine. The divine feminine aspect in both women and men is called out to now, to create a new earth. And it is specially the responsibility and honour of the female energy to lead Planet Earth back into the Light as the Grand Cycle returns towards the center of the Galaxy. The preparation of this great Shift has been underway for a long time.
The most remarkable phenomenon today on planet earth is the Great Wave of Healing. The Industrial Revolution transformed lives in the 18th century, the Age of Reason made God unfashionable. Descartes created a revolution by claiming 'I think, therefore I am'. And now, the last 100 years sees humans claiming their emotions. The late 20th & the 21st century is the revolution of humans wanting to heal their psychological wounds, traumas & inner child. People began to say 'I don't want to be unhappy any more'.
Our planet became the planet of healing. The proliferation of health food stores, popularity of the alternative health movement, Reiki, New Age bookstores, yoga and meditation centers, organic gardening, newer & faster healing techniques are visible in every community. We have resurrected the healing temples, and the healers, therapists, coaches, shamans and change agents have the new teachers. The truths of the ego and its devious games & control of our minds began to be revealed. The truths of mass mind control started tumbling out. 'Energy' became the new currency. More and more people are recognizing how the ego (in the negative way) feeds on our shadows and unhealed parts, and healing & 'wholing' is the way to come out of its grip. As people are completing their healing journeys, they are connecting to a new energy ~ that of the heart. The new found heart energy is connecting people to their passions, and a deeper understanding of why they incarnated.
When one starts living from the heart, amazing things begin to happen. Our heart connects us to a very sweet space, and for the first time, we feel an absence of anxiety & fear. We meet each moment with a smile, and live each day in fulfillment. The past ceases to haunt, and the future ceases to worry. We slip into an ease with the Now. We trust the universe to lovingly ( & abundantly) provide in every way.
Living as a Divine Human as we enter the Cycle of the Divine Feminine
As the trust and surrender happens, something else begins to emerge. All our life energies that were consumed in issues of survival, coping & providing for oneself and family, becomes free and unhooked. Abundance is no longer an issue. Suddenly, one has more energy & money available for other things. With this happens a growing relationship with the Divine, with our Source. We are knocking on our soul's door. More and more we begin to see the interplay of god with everything. We are ready for true love for the divine to open in our hearts. Spirituality and awakening of our soul is the natural progression to healing. We oftentimes confuse healing with spirituality, but they are two very different things.
The doorway to the soul is through the heart. When we come out of our head, and take residence in our hearts, we trigger powerful changes at every level of our existence. Suddenly, living in the same world, we relate to it in a very different way.
From Struggle to Surrender: The heart puts us at ease. It shows us how to live in the now. It is a peaceful and unhurried, moment to moment existence. Unlike the ego (that loves to house in the mind), the heart does not constantly frighten us. On the contrary, we feel held and loved by the universe. And that is the ground for surrender. One can never surrender if one is worrying for survival. Living in surrender is a sign that the soul is active. We put down our battle gear, let go our resistance and are ready to flow with the universal design. This surrender is not a passive giving in, it is an active allowing and stepping into the divine play.
Body Consciousness awakens: The heart is our body's best friend. The heart has many dimensions, but it is a physical organ first, and it loves the body . Ego is antagonistic to the body. It kept us in fear, anxiety, resistance and defensiveness. It recreates toxic emotional charge in our body again and again. It keeps us in addictive relationships. It creates fear of following our passion. It keeps us away from rest and a wholesome balanced living. For the ego the body is a mere object to satisfy desires and ambitions. The only intention of the ego is to perpetuate itself, which is always at our cost. Let it be clear that the ego though guised as a friend, has always been against us! Not so with the heart. The heart emerges as the authentic leader ~ one who has our evolutionary best 'whole-heartedly'.
Our body is the biggest Mystery School: With heart consciousness leading, all organs and parts of the body align and fall in sync with the new heart. It is a wise, compassionate, empowering leadership. Its a joyous existence for us, as each organ can now step into its higher purpose of existence. 'The law of god is written in the heart' says the Bible. We understand the higher & deeper purpose of the complex machinery that is our body. Our body becomes our best friend, and divine consort on our journey. It becomes the feminine way or portal into the Divine.
Our endocrine system ascends into its new, empowered role of leading us back to God. The Pineal, Pitutary, Thymus, Adrenal glands, the Vagus nerve, the Psoas muscle, and so many other organs now begin to pulsate with new wisdom. We begin to discover the metaphysical chambers of the heart. Women discover their personal temple, the womb.
Self Love awakens: When the need for constant approval, acceptance, safety, protection is over, when we have forgiven ourselves and others, when our self-talk is no longer harsh or critical, we have come into self love. We love ourselves too much to spoil even one day in useless emotions, laziness or working at what does not excite us. We lead juicy lives, follow our dreams and passions with confidence, and exude joy as our base emotion. We honor and love ourselves unconditionally. Self-responsibilty is another aspect of self-love. Coming into self-love does not necessarily mean one has a perfect life. It means one takes responsibility for all our choices, decisions and
True Spirituality awakens: It is only when the emotional healing has happened, & the cracks and fissures in the soul are healed, is one's life energy radiant enough to step into living a divinely inspired life. One's decisions & choices now come from abundance, love and wisdom. We know that our choices create our consciousness. The understanding of the universal principles are uncontaminated by mis-interpretations. As one increases one's light quotient, one progressively understands higher truths, and radiates more love. Divine will is understood, and honored. This spirituality is inclusive, egalitarian, respectful of all life forms, and co-creates along with mother earth, a heaven on earth.
Truth of Relationships is revealed: Finally, the war of the sexes comes to an end. We drop the victim-opressor drama. Self love and self responsibility ends the co-dependent relationships. We begin to understand the higher aspects of relationships. We realize that relationships are not meant to fill our incompletions and insecurities, but to stand committed to each other's soul journeys. We live as completely free individuals, and allow complete freedom & support to our partner to pursue their soul journey. We already have self love as the base, so we are not craving, needy people, or even insecure, holding onto another for fulfillment. In a relationship that is based on higher principles, we are willing to be open, humble and vulnerable at all times. The foundation of our relationship is based on truth. We fully understand that the 'other' outside of us can never fill our gaps. We work through our wounds in integrity, and every day, renew our contract with truth and love.
The Divine Feminine is leading the way: With the ending of Patriarchy, the new world order established on the Feminine Principles of compassion, love, nurturance, spirituality, egalitarianism, respect of nature, empowerment, collaboration, community and honouring of all. You can read more about the Emerging Feminine way on my website section Return of the Divine Feminine. The Divine Feminine teaches us to close the gap between the material & physical, and live a life of continued connectedness, truth and love. She is the doorway to accessing deeper secrets.
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