Am I living in the present or re-living the past? Again and again, am I recreating the stories of my life as I have 'lived' it? Have I formed beliefs about life and people based on how my life has treated me?
The answer to all of these used to be Yes. Mercifully, today, I can say that the best thing about the past is that it is over. Here are some of my reflections of the stories we carry, and the transformation that happens when we drop them.
continuing to be with my stories, is dragging my past with me
it keeps me in comparisons, 'mine is bigger than yours'
it keeps me from being completely with the other.. too much noise happening inside
I connect only if I have a similar story
I keep alive my drama
I am not in the here and now
so I stop flowing
in being or recounting my story, I am becoming stagnant and stale
when I let go my story, I let go my hiSTORY.
I free myself to be Here and Now.
Only in the here and now, am I in tranformation.
only in the here and now, am I in my full POWER, CREATIVITY, WISDOM
The Universe has no time for my stories. I am disrupting the flow, creating dissonance by pushing against the flow. It is non-cooperation.
So I choose to be in sync. Flow like the river. The river is never the same, changing moment to moment. It does not cry and yearn and hurt for what its flown through. It flows. And so am I now.
Simply flowing.