"Make a clean break with your past and you will be Enlightened, " said the Master.
"I am doing that by degrees." said the student
"Growth is achieved by degrees.
Enlightenment is instantaneous. "
Later the master said, "Take the leap!
You cannot cross a chasm in little jumps."
Anthony de Mello
"I am doing that by degrees." said the student
"Growth is achieved by degrees.
Enlightenment is instantaneous. "
Later the master said, "Take the leap!
You cannot cross a chasm in little jumps."
Anthony de Mello
2012 is almost at hand. For the last many years, I have been busy cleaning up my act. The last one year has been particularly intense. As we step into the last quarter of 2009, the task now is of building the bridge between the old familiar world and the future one we all walking towards the light are stepping into. So what is the task at hand?
The first is the understanding that some things we essentially leave behind, as we cannot enter the portal gates of 2012 with them. No baggage allowed on this trip, not even hand baggage. You may be guessing what THE first thing to drop is, and you guessed right, it is FEAR. My fear comes from my past. My memory is a product of fear. My memory got created from incompleteness with my past. Which got me further entrenched in my world of duality. The world of duality is fear based, not freedom based. I have been perennially caught in the world of right and wrong, good and bad, acceptance and rejection.
My realsation is that fear created my memory that arrested my growth while still an infant. It was my survival instinct that caused these fears to be stored in my cells to warn me of impending danger. The second girl child... rejection ... abandonment. .. etc. My earliest memory created as 'reality' of my 'drama' of rejection and unlovedness, and I called it 'TRUTH OF LIFE'. And I have been attached to this 'truth' and living from there. I believed a truth that I was small & puny.
My Body has been a bundle of memory. The intense body listening sessions released untold memories of so many lives, stored in my body cells. Wars, natural disasters, floods, fires, starvation, abandonment, rape, burning at the stake... my body was a living receptacle of endless horrific memories, even entities that controlled my thoughts.
My realsation is that fear created my memory that arrested my growth while still an infant. It was my survival instinct that caused these fears to be stored in my cells to warn me of impending danger. The second girl child... rejection ... abandonment. .. etc. My earliest memory created as 'reality' of my 'drama' of rejection and unlovedness, and I called it 'TRUTH OF LIFE'. And I have been attached to this 'truth' and living from there. I believed a truth that I was small & puny.
My Body has been a bundle of memory. The intense body listening sessions released untold memories of so many lives, stored in my body cells. Wars, natural disasters, floods, fires, starvation, abandonment, rape, burning at the stake... my body was a living receptacle of endless horrific memories, even entities that controlled my thoughts.
Moments of joy do not create incompletions. We live them in the now, and they are enjoyed and released. It is only where we have felt incomplete, ( eg. rage, anger, hurt, jealousy, rejection, fear,humiliation, trauma, sadness, lonliness) that we energetically hang on to these past incidents. There are endless chords of entanglements connecting us to our past. All our past life memory still exists as unconscious memory in our cells.
I had been continually creating my future as a reproduction of my fear-based past. I was projecting my fears into the future, and then walking into them. The fears had created a dense body and aura. I drop the dense-ness. The body we take with us is a light body, free of fears.
Memory is the one thing we cannot take to the next dimension. There is a KEY to entering the higher dimensions, and the key is the frequency we vibrate in. Our introduction is no longer by our social status, education (which is nothing but memory of information), the institutions we have created, or any other earthly thing. Our introduction now is by the energy of love we vibrate in. The gates will be opened by our expanded heart chakra!
This is not the era of knowledge anymore. I can afford to forget, let go of my knowledge, cause we are entering the era of download. Whatever I require to know, I download from the great cosmic library, from my own spiritual jar, and from my DNA. The complete information to my enlightenment exists in my genetic coding. Once the memory goes, the chatter ceases, and in the quietness, I am able to percieve the new information. It is joyful! And liberating!
I certainly want to make the great transition.. . in this body. For this, I give permission to my Guides, the Masters and Elders, and my Lemurian Guides and others from the Angelic realms who are guiding us in this ascension, to cleanse and prepare me for the transition into the higher dimension. This is why I chose this human birth. To make this journey of enlightenment. Possible only on the Planet of Choice. I am ready to let go all that stands in the way.
This is not the era of knowledge anymore. I can afford to forget, let go of my knowledge, cause we are entering the era of download. Whatever I require to know, I download from the great cosmic library, from my own spiritual jar, and from my DNA. The complete information to my enlightenment exists in my genetic coding. Once the memory goes, the chatter ceases, and in the quietness, I am able to percieve the new information. It is joyful! And liberating!
I certainly want to make the great transition.. . in this body. For this, I give permission to my Guides, the Masters and Elders, and my Lemurian Guides and others from the Angelic realms who are guiding us in this ascension, to cleanse and prepare me for the transition into the higher dimension. This is why I chose this human birth. To make this journey of enlightenment. Possible only on the Planet of Choice. I am ready to let go all that stands in the way.
The story of Sukhvinder as she existed is over. Am truly done with it. I see the past falling away, revealing a new glowing me, so much closer to who I am. Truly divine. Just like you.
Today, I heard the Master say, ''Any idea you have of yourself being less than god is low self-esteem. Stand up and tear it'. I obey.
To sum it up: The more I loose it, the more I get it.