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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Dance of Kali

jai Ma Kali!
This poet sighs deeply,
“Where is this brilliant lady,
this black light beyond luminosity?
Though I have never seen her,
simply hearing her name,
the mind becomes absorbed completely in her astonishing reality.
Om Kali! Om Kali! Om Kali!
- Ramprasad Sen

Welcome to the Era of the Divine Feminine. Do you see Ma Kali dancing in our midst?  Like her consort Shiva, she too sports in the end times. Yes, this is Kali’s time. We are in good hands!  If you are willing to dive below the superficial, you will meet her face to face.  Kali ~ the fierce one and the compassionate one.  She comes to set right the balance when disconnection with Truth dangerously tilts it. Her work is marked by  swiftness. She brings change at a speed we are unprepared for. She pulls the rug. She yanks off the blanket of comfort. She strips us naked. Thus she brings us back to Dharma.

She is Dark Luminosity

Her blackness denotes her comprehensive nature. Everything merges in her blackness. Her nudity is compelling, as she is illumined by consciousness.  How can one who is clothed in the bright fire of truth have anything to do with ‘clothes’? In her absolute, primordial nakedness she is free from all covering of illusion. She is Nature stripped of 'clothes'. Her nudity is pure, unalloyed consciousness, untainted by maya.  She is completely beyond name and form. She cares not with what name you call her.

She has no patience with ego games. She gives time for good sense, and when one still doesn’t act from truth, she chops off one’s ego. She easily looks through every cunning, crafty, scheming tactic a human mind can conjure. It makes her lift her head and laugh. Her laughter strikes terror in the hearts of her adversaries.  She does not give her adversary (illusion) time to adjust.  Her compassion wants you to be free of egoistical attachments right now. With one stroke, she silences the roar of mental conflict, debates of ideologies, and all the endless mental chatter of ignorance, so that one may experience the pure bliss of silence and absorption in inner peace. Her garland of skulls denotes the impure thoughts that she has removed from the personalities of her devotees.

Harbinger of Divine Order

Can you see how she is working now, exposing all that is rotting in our system? Her divine work is to bring us out of this contaminated space.  We are reeking with patriarchy energy. She cleanses with her presence. In the glare of her truth, there is no place to hide. She is Chamundi, the slayer of Chanda and Munda ~ anger and passion. When she opens her mouth wide, their entire armies and weapons enter into it, and she chews it all.

The universe and all us celebrate her arrival, because she re-establishes Divine Order. Her wild hair symbolise space time, from which she pulls out divine chaos. This is how the divine feminine energy works. The old order dies with the last contraction of mother earth and the new chaos is birthed. Chaos is nothing but the next level of divine order that does not yet make ‘sense’. Every new order is preceeded by chaos. Kali brings forth the New Way, the superior truths, and deeper wisdom. Thus she creates a new balance that soon will become the New Order.

She Drinks the blood of Demons

Do you wonder about her tongue sticking out? Well, that is to pick up every drop of blood of the demon Raktabeej. This demon, by the dint of his penance, was awarded a boon that every drop of his blood that fell on earth would create another Raktabeej. Rakta means blood, and beej means seed. Raktabeej actually means the seed of desire. All the attempts of the gods in heaven to kill him resulted in creating bloodshed and more Raktabeejs’, each as potent as the original. Can we not see the army of Raktabeej raping, murdering, and brutalizing our women, destroying our mother earth? In the patriarchy, the demon lived in each of us. The gods (read politicians) were helpless, as demons popped up everywhere, impossible to control. In great alarm, they prayed to the Divine Mother for help. 

 'Oh Compassionate Kali, stick out your tongue and drink up all the desires of existence. Only your mouth has sufficient capacity to consume all desire! And when you will have digested all desire, then the Gods will be free from desire.'
This is why She shows Her very lovely, red, protruding tongue -- in order to make all existence free from desire.

I do not know if our politician ‘gods’ will make such a prayer.  They probably think they are still in control. I do imagine her dancing on top of Parliament House though! Millions of awakened daughters and sons of Mother India, and Mother Earth, are making the prayer to restore Dharma. Kali’s lovely, red, tongue frees us from the seeds of desire. She graces us with liberation.

She teaches now for each one of us to come into our deepest integrity and highest truth. Are you ready to die to the old? When one can accept death as a part of transformation, Kali sets them free of the Cycle. Then one can join her in the dance of perpetual becoming.

In any case, expect her now!

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