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Monday, March 8, 2010

'I'.......... am not ready yet

So many of us are on the edge of living our extraordinary lives, shining our brilliance, but hesitate. As someone who involved in transformation work, there is a phrase I come upon very often. When all these wonderful souls are reminded of their magnificence, and invited to live from there, I hear the oft repeated phrase: ‘I’m not ready yet’.

There are many of us, who are here to work with the light, to make a difference at these crucial times, yet drag their feet to come full on with their powers.
So what’s stopping them from acknowledging our leadership role? Is it
Because they cannot see it

Because they are too scared

Because they are overwhelmed by the demands of life

Because they are settling for less

Because they dont think they are in charge

Because they'll upset the apple cart

...there are a thousand reasons to "take the low road" and live the familiar life, but there's only one result at the end--a nagging feeling that you missed out on something vital in life and a slow death of the soul fire.

We seem to be there, but believe in taking small steps, dimming our light ‘so as to not blind’ those around with our glare, as one lightworker put it. Do I have to be apologetic if my light is bright? No!

You are ready. You are the hologram that contains the entire universe, even if a tiny speck called the 'conscious you' does not remember yet.

It is the ‘I’ which stops you. The ‘I’ that you believe is your identity is stopping you from growth. If something big comes to you, it comes to you because you are worthy of it. The ‘I’ that you identify with, stops you from trusting. It stops you from surrendering to your soul contract. This ‘I’ gives you innumerable reasons to doubt, suspect and disown your power, passion and purpose. This ‘I’ makes you create a future that is built from your past. All your fears, i.e. your past, are dumped into the future, and you say, ‘it is difficult’. Playing small does not serve you in any way. ‘I’m not ready’ is a malady that needs immediate cure.

The universe knows where to take us, because it comes from future to now. It comes from knowing our highest magnificence. Do challenge the ‘I’ identity that you are choosing to live. It is suffocating and totally unsuitable for you now. And as soon as this ‘I’ is resolved, everything happens.

In short, develop trust and surrender. As a cause and effect, ask yourself, ‘what else is possible?’ As a gain, everything is possible. Lets come from possibility.
Life is about possibility and not certainty. Lets not just survive, lets thrive. Let our passion decide our profession. Then, we'll find our perfect fit with the universe.
Step into your blazing magnificence with confidence. Its your truth.

Say the magic mantra, 'I'm ready', and allow the magic to unfolds. As Kryon says, 'mastery is in your veins'.